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Abba! Father!

August 15, 2023

Romans 8:15
For you didn’t receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!

I remember as a kid on my birthday my father would come home from work and have a little something special for me. My father was someone I could always call on when I needed some wisdom or encouragement. That’s why Romans 8:15 reminds me of how special it is to be able to call on your Father when you need Him. I was born into my family and had no say in the matter. But this verse reminds us that as children of God we are chosen and adopted into His family. When we join the Family of God by Faith in Jesus the Holy Spirit indwells us and we are liberated from the captivity or slavery of sin. We owe the flesh nothing, but the Spirit will give us satisfaction. Look back in verse 14 and we see the Spirit guides us, draws us, and has authority. We are not obligated to the flesh, but we are adopted as children of God and our spirit will bear the resemblance of Abba Father. The benefits that we have are special and continuous. We are out of debt, we have been adopted, we will bear witness to the Father, we are joint heirs with Christ, we are His children. So, we don’t have to live in fear and go back to our old way of living. We move forward with God not backwards. Our salvation is not a matter of doing, it’s a matter of being. Today is your birthday and I would like to encourage you to cry out Abba! Father! He loves you and wants to hear from you today. God Bless you and Happy Birthday to you! 

Mike R

   ’67 / ‘ 83   Jacksonville  FL    

Doris Jean H

’44 / ’55 Manheim PA

Birth year / spiritual birth year / hometown

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