Learn the Shephard’s Voice
October 1, 2023
John 10 is such a beautiful depiction of our Shepherd and His love for his sheep. Obviously, Jesus is our shepherd, and we are His sheep. We need to know His voice and of course the best way to know His voice is by listening to the Word of God. As we study the Bible, we get to know our God so we can better recognize a false teacher. There are many great authors out there trying their best to write books. I don’t think they’re all trying to lead us astray. Some most definitely are! But not all. That’s why it’s our responsibility to know God’s Word so we will recognize His voice. This chapter goes on to explain how the gatekeeper knows the shepherd and allows him to enter. The sheep knows his voice and will follow the shepherd wherever he leads. That’s how it is with our relationship with God. We learn His voice and follow Him. Pharisees will try to sneak in to windows of our lives or other ways to enter our lives and hearts. We do need to be on guard for those predators and allow God to defend our souls and possibly our physical lives as well. We also need to guard our mouths, so we aren’t using our opinions to help our friends. We need to go to the Word to help others in the way they should go as well. In other words, don’t listen to Pharisees and be careful not to become a Pharisee.
Denise R
’67 / ’80 Quarryville PA
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