A Beautiful Contrast
January 12, 2024
About 28 months ago, the idea for this website popped into my head. Once it became a reality this past May, this day, January 12, has been on my mind. You see, about 40 years ago, John 1:12 (NASB) was a verse I committed to memory. As a young teen who had recently accepted Christ, I had a yearning for his Word. I would take small cards with verses on them and memorize them as I was working. Over the years, it has given me great joy as it has been such a huge building block to the foundation of Scripture in my life. I would encourage everyone to memorize John 1:12.
It’s a simple verse (probably why I like it) with deep meaning. John 1:1-14 is John’s incredible opening statement to his “manifesto” – his declaration that Jesus of Nazareth is God. A glorious declaration -Verse 12- is sandwiched between 2 negatives to highlight Vs 12 as an extreme positive – a beautiful contrast. A diamond on black fabric. Vs 11 declares that Jesus “came to His own” – meaning his own physical kingdom and “those who were His own, did not receive Him” – His subjects, His people. So, we see in Vs 10 that God who created the world was rejected by those He created and in Vs 11 His own subjects /people did not receive Him. Verse 13 talks about natural birth – not of blood, nor human element or achievement “BUT of God”. These last 3 words point us back to Vs 12, so let’s dig a little deeper.
“BUT” – always contrasts a previous statement.
“as many” – individuals who maybe once rejected Him – Vs 10 & 11
“as received Him” – accepted Jesus for who He claimed to be – Eternal God & Messiah, embraced Him in His true character.
“to them” – He didn’t deny any who received Him. All were welcome.
“He gave the right” – the power, authority, and ability.
“to become children of God”– in name & dignity but also in Nature. A new birth. A completely new person – not of natural birth but supernatural.
“even to those who believe in His name” – means to give credit to a person’s testimony. Only used of God. Trust, faith in a supreme being.
At the end of Vs 13, after John tells us this birth was not from natural means, it is “But of God”.
I know it’s been a little longer devotional today so let me wrap up. Jesus came into His world, in the flesh, and His people occupying that world rejected Him. SO, He sent out an invitation and declared that all who receive Him can become His children. That’s IT, that is the simple Good News of Jesus. A simple belief that Jesus is who He declared Himself to be – the one and only Son of God. You don’t need to be born into the correct family or have been born with certain talents or abilities. Just receive Him. You do not and cannot earn your way to become His child. Something supernatural happens when you receive Him – you are born again into His family.
If you have not yet “believed in His name”, please, please make this day both your natural and supernatural birthday.
Please message BirthdayBibleverses if you have any questions
Dave R
’69 / ’83 Quarryville PA
(A lot of thoughts were taken from A Commentary Critical, Experimental and Practical. David Brown Errdmans Publishing 1990)
Doris Jean H
’44 / ’55 Manheim PA
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