A Prepared Vessel of Honor
February 21, 2024
Sanctification can be a big, intimidating word. In fact, it’s a lot easier to focus on the moment of salvation and look forward to the moment of full perfection when we are with Jesus in Heaven. But the real work is done in the middle, when we allow the Holy Spirit to challenge, grow, and equip us for every good work. While there is nothing, nothing, we can do to earn salvation, we do have an active part in the process of sanctification in our own life. It is a mysterious mixture of the Holy Spirit convicting us, us listening to Him, and then actively working alongside Him to bring about that change. I’m not sure it’s possible to define where one-part ends and the other begins. And this process is what every believer in Christ is called to do. We are called to turn away from sin, submerge ourselves in the Truth of His Word, and grow in understanding of Him, all so we can be a vessel of honor, suitable for God’s use and prepared for every good work. In this passage, Paul is encouraging Timothy to stick to the Truth he’s been taught like a good soldier, or an athlete, to endure the coming hardship in his life. Paul’s recipe for endurance is to remain in constant communion with Jesus and not let go of the Truth. When he tells Timothy in verse 21 to ‘purge yourself from these’, ‘these’ refers to what other leaders around him are doing, engaging in “empty chatter” that leads to ungodliness (v. 16). He is to “properly handle the Word of Truth”, and in so doing, will become a vessel of honor, prepared for every good work. I think that’s pretty good advice for us too. If we can stay focused on Jesus rather than pointless distractions around us, we will be able to hear the Holy Spirit convicting us, and work with Him to be sanctified and useful for God’s use. And then on that day when we do enter Heaven, we’ll be able to hear those treasured words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” That is the glory I am striving toward. How about you?
Brittany H
’94 / ’08 San Jose Costa Rica
CoLaborers International Missionary
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