Hang On!
February 25, 2024
(The following was published in bulletin at St Charles Bible Church – April 29th, 2018, St Charles MN)
Yes, way back in 1965, high schools had wrestling programs. I was part of one—-for three years at Adrian, Oregon High School. I suppose my wrestling experience is what drew me to my nephew’s wrestling matches in Apple Valley, Minnesota, while he was still in junior high school. We didn’t have an occasion to be in Minneapolis that often, but, when we did, I would show him a couple of ‘escapes’ that I remembered from my high school wrestling days. Finally, I got to attend one of his first matches.
He was nervous, I could tell. He paced back and forth near the coaches’ bench; stretching, flexing his muscles, arms folded across his chest. His opponent had much more experience—and he did look intimidating—but Kevin was confident. When, finally, the previous match ended, he marched out to shake hands with the “enemy” and wait for the “wrestle” signal. Suddenly the two boys were “warriors” fighting in hand-to-hand combat, each trying to get the best of the other.
We shouted our advice and our approval: “But suddenly, the competition turned. The “take down” maneuver his opponent had learned in practice worked perfectly in his match. Abruptly, Kevin was on his back and desperately trying not to get pinned. Our cries went from offensive to defensive—Hold on, Kevin! The bell to end the first period was only seconds away!
The Risen Jesus had a very similar cheer for the church at Thyatira (Rev. 2:25): “Only hold onto what you have until I come.” Even though idolatry in their city was strong, their enemy was crafty, and the church’s endurance would cause injury or pain, this church of God should hold on. “He didn’t say it would be easy; He said it would be worth it!”
Pastor Jim B
’47 / ’56 St Charles MN
Doris Jean H
’44 / ’55 Manheim PA
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