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To Sin or Not To Sin

June 1, 2024

Romans 6:1
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?

Grace is the central theme of a Christian’s life.  There is no greater word to define.  There is no greater concept to explore.  For us sinners saved by grace, we should be conscious of our own sin and how far we fall short of God’s glory.  We should live free knowing that we have been forgiven by God; the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ has covered our trespasses.  

But what is grace exactly?  Most of us get grace confused with mercy.  Mercy is not receiving something we deserve, and grace is receiving something we don’t deserve.  It can be explained using this example:  A police officer pulls you over for speeding.  You deserve a ticket because you exceeded the speed limit.  The police officer decides to give you a warning instead of a ticket.  This is mercy. (Mercy is not receiving something we deserve) But, what if the police officer not only does not give you a ticket, but he goes back to his squad car only to return with a cup of coffee.  He hands you the coffee and sends you on your way with a smile and a wave.  This is grace. (Grace is receiving something we don’t deserve) We not only get a full pardon from the wages or payment for sin, but we get full membership into the family of God the minute we believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross by faith.  

It is unimaginable the depth of God’s love for us.  Paul makes mention of this fact in chapter 5 of Romans as he writes, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (v.8).  So, we have been set free from the bondage of death and now have a new life in Christ.  We never have to make that payment because Jesus paid it all.  But do we use this fact as a license to sin?  Is God’s grace simply a “get out of jail” card to be used at our pleasure?  Paul says in the next verse “may it never be” or God forbid.  Grace should motivate us to grow closer to God and steer clear of sin.  We should avoid consciously sinning because it disappoints our Heavenly Father, not that we could ever attain anything close to perfection. I encourage you to let God’s grace set you free to do the things that please Him with no pressure to be perfect.  If you fail and fall, pick yourself up and ask forgiveness, then continue to walk with the Lord trying to emulate Him as much as humanly possible.

Dave F. 

‘69 / ‘76 / Egg Harbor Twp   NJ

Birth year / spiritual birth year / hometown

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