JOB Strong
October 5, 2024
If you know the story of Job, you know he had to go through what we would never wish on
anyone. He had everything taken from him. In our eyes, at first, we may think that was very
harsh. We can empathize with Job. When things get bad it is human nature to start
complaining, to blame others, yourself, or even God. I can relate (in a sense). As a junior in high
school, I was getting ready to play the most critical season of my young career. This is the year
the recruiters scrutinize your play more than ever before. God had different plans for me. As I
began prepping in the fall of that year one swing changed the course of my life and set me on a
path I had never imagined. This particular swing ended up tearing my labrum. I went on to miss
my entire junior season and no scouts ever contacted me. In my mind, this was it. Baseball had
been my identity for my entire life and now I wasn’t sure I would ever play again, much less
play in college. I complained every day about everything.
That seems so minuscule compared to Job. I look back and think that was easy compared to
what Job went through. Yet even in his complaining he still acknowledges God’s omniscience.
The fact that he had many people telling him to turn from God and he still decided that God
was all that mattered showed his maturity. Maturity doesn’t mean you will never complain or
you will always do what is right, but it means your focus is always on God. No matter how bad
the situation or how much you want to complain, like Job we should recognize God as being in
total control so that we can keep our eyes on Him.
Blessings flow from God as we follow Him. Romans 8:28 tells us that for those who love God,
blessings will come. Even when we complain and things get tough, when we can turn back to
God and not let the things of the world steal our joy, we will receive amazing blessings in the
Job through it all, never turned his back on God and he was blessed for that. He ended up
receiving more than he had before. I was able to play 3 more years of baseball, including 2
years of college where I made my best friends. God does what He says, and He is always in
control. Do not let your circumstances influence who/what you allow to be the Lord of your life.
Cody R
’96 / ’08 Jacksonville FL
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