(Taken from Monday Morning Musings – St Stephen Reformed Church – New Holland PA)
Our children were probably 6-8 years old at the time. We were visiting friends and the kids were having a great time. This family had a pond which was fun for our kids. When it came time to leave my kids said with excitement in their voices, “Mommy, Mommy, can we take some tadpoles home? Please?” Their daddy had a big fish aquarium so what were a few more fish?! Besides it would be a wonderful learning experience.
We took the ‘tadpoles’ home, found a fishbowl tucked away in the basement and waited for these tadpoles to become their adult bodies. A couple of days passed. I am not sure how much time elapsed, probably not more than 2-3 days. My husband came home from work and said, “Could someone tell me why the house is full of mosquitoes?”
Yes, our ‘tadpoles’ were really mosquito larvae! I was reading recently in Acts and Facts published by ICR that the third stage of the mosquito actually has a long tail, looking something like tadpoles. Now had I understood that at the time, I would have saved myself some work. But it WAS a learning experience.
Things do not always turn out to be what they first appear to be. If I had been more observant or more knowledgeable, or more understanding of mosquitoes, I would have known they were not tadpoles.
In 1 Chronicles in the beginning chapters, the mighty men of David are listed by name. These men served in battle while David was being chased by King Saul. Every so often a descriptive phrase is added about one of the men. These men were men of valor, strong, faithful men. But the sons of Issachar were even more special. It says in I Chronicles 12:32 that these men “understood the times”.
Today, perhaps more than ever before, we need men and women who understand the times. These are confusing times, perhaps dangerous times. The only way we can understand them is to know the Word of God, knowing that He is in control of these times as well. It is easy to be fooled by names of organizations. The name sounds good. But when you investigate, the group may be from the pit of hell. Ladies we need to be discerning. We need to understand the times. We need to help our grandchildren understand the times.
This is nothing new. As our pastor pointed out in his sermon this morning, the young Israelite children in Nehemiah 13 could not even speak their own language. They could not read the ’law ‘in their own language. But they knew the language of the pagans very well. I fear this describes many of our nation’s children today, including many of our church kids and our grandchildren. They know more about the culture than the Word of God. They know more about movie producers than they know about their Creator. Starting in kindergarten, they are being taught false concepts about many things.
We must understand the times. We must understand that just because it looks like a tadpole doesn’t mean it is one. It may be something more sinister.
The next group of mighty men mentioned in 1 Chronicles 12 were the men of Zebulun, 50,000 of them, who helped David with an “undivided heart”, We not only need to understand the times, but we need to love our Lord with an undivided heart. We cannot be half in love with the Lord and half in sync with our culture. We must live and teach our children Proverbs 3:5-6.
“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.
And do not lean on your own understanding
In ALL your ways acknowledge Him
And He will make your paths straight.”
Not understanding the life cycle of mosquitoes gave our family a mess to clean up and memories to laugh at, but not understanding our times could be dangerous in today’s culture.
May your hearts be wise and undivided. Listen for the Trumpet
Edie R
’43 /’55 New Holland PA