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Unseen Hope

August 25, 2023

Romans 8:25
But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.

Paul, in the preceding verses, explains that having hope saves us and that we do not hope in things we can see. So instead, we have hope in Jesus and the promises God has given us. If we are Christians, then we have this unseen hope because we know what He has done for us in our lives, and we experience the Holy Spirit living within us. Since we have this, we must not be impatient but wait patiently for the day to come when we get to live with God in heaven. 

     To me this means that I need to remember the battle is already won for me and that I can be patient with my time on this earth and doing God’s Will for my life. 

Leanne R

    ’95 / ‘02   Jacksonville  FL

Doris Jean H

’44 / ’55 Manheim PA

Birth year / spiritual birth year / hometown

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