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Harvest Time

October 2, 2023

Luke 10:2
Then he said to them, “The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he may send out laborers into his harvest.

Jesus uses the analogy of a harvest that is ripe for the picking and by His charge to pray! There is a sense of urgency for more workers. Jesus is asking his disciples to pray for more co-laborers in gathering the harvest of souls. He wants them to ask for more ambassadors for Christ to invite others into a relationship with Him. In His analogy the lost souls of Humanity to Him are like a harvest field ready for gathering. Think about it this way, can you imagine a farmer looking at his vast field of wheat ready to be harvested and he has no workers or servants to gather it in!  The harvest will be wasted if he has no one to help him gather it. Today this still holds true that if we believe that the time is short until Jesus comes back, we should be about our fathers work out in the fields (the world) sharing the good news of the gospel! In this context Jesus was talking to his followers and he is saying that the ones who are “working” are few and we need more because the harvest is that great and that important!

What do we do? Jesus said to pray! Pray for more laborers for the harvest! We need to pray that more people come to faith in Christ and that his followers would engage the culture and people around them. God has placed us, His followers in places of influence. Start where you are. Your neighbor, your co-workers, your friends who don’t know Him. I know it’s easier to talk about the weather, but we need to love people beyond that realizing that their eternity hangs in the balance, and we need to love them enough to say something because without the truth our love for them means nothing. Begin to pray today for laborers to go out to the harvest and ask God to start with you!

Glenn C

   ’67 / ‘87   Winter Garden Fl

Birth year / spiritual birth year / hometown

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